200+ Excel Shortcuts for Windows and Mac

Excel shortcuts can help you save a lot of time while working on your spreadsheet. Whether you formatting, analyzing data, using macros, or just navigating, there is a shortcut for almost everything in Excel. Here is a list of more than 200 shortcuts grouped into different categories.

Excel Shortcuts PDF for Windows and Mac

Looking for Excel Shortcuts PDF instead? Download by pressing the button below. The PDF contains over 200 Mac and Windows Excel shortcuts that will save you time.

Workbook Shortcuts:

Excel Windows ShortcutMac ShortcutPurpose
Ctrl + NCommand + NCreate a new workbook
Ctrl + OCommand + OOpen an existing workbook
Ctrl + SCommand + SSave the current workbook
Ctrl + WCommand + WClose the current workbook
Ctrl + TabControl + TabSwitch between open workbooks
Ctrl + F4Command + WClose the active window
Ctrl + F6Control + TabSwitch to the next workbook window
Ctrl + Shift + NCommand + Shift + NCreate a new worksheet
Alt + E + LOption + E + LAutofit column width
Ctrl + Page UpControl + Option + Left ArrowMove to the previous worksheet
Ctrl + Page DownControl + Option + Right ArrowMove to the next worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + TabControl + Shift + TabSwitch to the previous workbook window

VBA Shortcuts:

Excel Windows ShortcutMac ShortcutPurpose
Alt + F11Option + F11Open the VBA editor
F5F5Run VBA code
Ctrl + BreakCommand + BreakStop VBA code execution
Ctrl + GCommand + GOpen the Immediate window
Ctrl + SpaceControl + SpaceSelect the entire column in VBA editor
Shift + F2Shift + F2Insert or edit a comment in VBA editor
Ctrl + Shift + ACommand + Option + AAdd a procedure to a module
Ctrl + Shift + LCommand + Option + LOpen the Call Stack dialog box

Pivot Table Shortcuts:

Excel Windows ShortcutMac ShortcutPurpose
Alt + D + POption + Command + PCreate a pivot table
Alt + Shift + ↓Option + Shift + ↓Expand/Collapse pivot field
Alt + Shift + →Option + Shift + →Group selected items in a pivot field
Alt + Shift + ←Option + Shift + ←Ungroup selected items in a pivot field
Alt + Shift + –Option + Shift + –Hide selected pivot items
Alt + Shift + +Option + Shift + +Show hidden pivot items
Alt + EnterOption + ReturnOpen the PivotTable Field dialog
Ctrl + DragCommand + DragCopy cell value while dragging
Alt + ↓Option + ↓Open drop-down menu in pivot table

Insert Shortcuts:

Excel Windows ShortcutMac ShortcutPurpose
Ctrl + Shift + +Command + Shift + +Insert a new row or column
Ctrl + Shift + =Command + Shift + =Insert a new worksheet
Alt + Shift + F1Option + Shift + F1Insert a new worksheet with a chart
Ctrl + Shift + TCommand + Shift + TInsert a new table
Ctrl + SpaceControl + SpaceInsert entire column in a table
Ctrl + Shift + SpaceCommand + Shift + SpaceInsert entire row in a table
Ctrl + KCommand + KInsert a hyperlink
Shift + F11Shift + F11Insert a new worksheet

Data Entry Shortcuts:

Excel Windows ShortcutMac ShortcutPurpose
Ctrl + EnterCommand + ReturnEnter data in the selected cell and stay
Ctrl + ;Command + ;Enter the current date
Ctrl + Shift + :Command + Shift + :Enter the current time
Ctrl + Shift + ;Command + Shift + ;Enter the current date and time
Alt + EnterOption + ReturnStart a new line within a cell
Ctrl + ‘Command + ‘Copy the formula from the cell above
Ctrl + Shift + “Command + Shift + “Copy the value from the cell above
Ctrl + Shift + :Command + Shift + :Enter the current time
Ctrl + 1Command + 1Open the Format Cells dialog box
Ctrl + JCommand + JFill down from cell above

Formula Related Shortcuts:

Excel Windows ShortcutMac ShortcutPurpose
Ctrl + `Command + `Toggle formula view
F2F2Edit active cell’s formula
Ctrl + EnterCommand + ReturnEnter a formula as an array
Shift + F3Shift + F3Open the Insert Function dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + ACommand + Option + AInsert function arguments
Ctrl + Shift + F3Command + Option + F3Create a name using the formula
Ctrl + Shift + RCommand + Option + RFill right from the cell above
Ctrl + Shift + DCommand + Option + DFill down from the cell above
Ctrl + `Command + `Show or hide formulas
Ctrl + Shift + $Command + Shift + $Apply currency format with two decimal places
Ctrl + Shift + %Command + Shift + %Apply percentage format

Cell Editing Shortcuts:

Excel Windows ShortcutMac ShortcutPurpose
F2F2Edit the active cell
Ctrl + XCommand + XCut selected cells’ contents
Ctrl + CCommand + CCopy selected cells’ contents
Ctrl + VCommand + VPaste copied or cut cells’ contents
Ctrl + ZCommand + ZUndo the last action
Ctrl + YCommand + YRedo the last undone action
Ctrl + DCommand + DFill down from the cell above
Ctrl + RCommand + RFill right from the cell left
Ctrl + Shift + +Command + Shift + +Insert blank cells
Ctrl + –Command + –Delete selected cells
F4F4Repeat the last action
Ctrl + ;Command + ;Insert current date
Ctrl + :Command + :Insert current time
Alt + EnterOption + ReturnStart a new line within a cell
F7F7Spell check selected cells
Shift + F2Shift + F2Add or edit a comment

Navigation Shortcuts:

Excel Windows ShortcutMac ShortcutPurpose
Ctrl + Arrow KeyCommand + Arrow KeyMove to the edge of data region
Ctrl + HomeCommand + HomeGo to cell A1
Ctrl + EndCommand + EndGo to the last cell with data
Ctrl + Page UpControl + Option + Left ArrowMove to the previous worksheet
Ctrl + Page DownControl + Option + Right ArrowMove to the next worksheet
Ctrl + TabControl + TabSwitch between open workbooks
Ctrl + Shift + TabControl + Shift + TabSwitch to the previous workbook window
Ctrl + F6Control + TabSwitch to the next workbook window
Ctrl + BackspaceCommand + DeleteGo to the active cell
Ctrl + FCommand + FOpen the Find and Replace dialog box
F5F5Go to a specific cell
Ctrl + GCommand + GGo to a specific cell
Ctrl + ]Command + ]Go to the next sheet tab
Ctrl + [Command + [Go to the previous sheet tab

Copying, Cutting, and Pasting Actions:

ActionExcel Windows ShortcutMac Shortcut
Copy ValueCtrl + CCommand + C
Cut ValueCtrl + XCommand + X
Paste ValueCtrl + VCommand + V
Copy FormattingCtrl + Shift + CCommand + Option + C
Cut FormattingCtrl + Shift + XCommand + Option + X
Paste FormattingCtrl + Shift + VCommand + Option + V
Paste SpecialCtrl + Alt + VCommand + Control + V
Copy Formula from Cell AboveCtrl + ‘Command + ‘
Copy Value from Cell AboveCtrl + Shift + “Command + Shift + “
Copy Formula and Number FormatsCtrl + DCommand + D
Copy Column WidthsCtrl + Shift + =Command + Shift + =
Copy Visible Cells OnlyAlt + ;Option + “

Selection Shortcuts:

Excel Windows ShortcutMac ShortcutPurpose
Shift + Arrow KeysShift + Arrow KeysExtend selection by one cell
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow KeysCommand + Shift + Arrow KeysExtend selection to the edge of data region
Shift + SpaceShift + SpaceSelect entire row
Ctrl + SpaceControl + SpaceSelect entire column
Ctrl + ACommand + ASelect entire worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + *Command + Shift + 8Select current region
Ctrl + Space, Shift + SpaceControl + Space, Shift + SpaceSelect entire sheet
Ctrl + .Command + .Select next corner of selection
Ctrl + /Command + /Select current array
Shift + BackspaceShift + DeleteSelect current region

Find and Replace Shortcuts:

Excel Windows ShortcutMac ShortcutPurpose
Ctrl + FCommand + FOpen the Find and Replace dialog box
Ctrl + HCommand + Option + FOpen the Find and Replace dialog box (Replace tab)
F3F3Find next occurrence
Shift + F4Shift + F4Find previous occurrence
Alt + M, ROption + Command + FReplace the selected occurrence
Alt + A, TOption + A, TReplace all occurrences in the worksheet
Alt + A, AOption + A, AReplace all occurrences in the selection
Alt + M, A, AOption + Command + A, AReplace all occurrences in the workbook
Ctrl + Alt + EnterCommand + Option + EnterReplace and Find Next
Ctrl + Shift + LCommand + Option + LOpen the Find and Replace dialog box with the “Look in” list preselected
Ctrl + *Command + *Select the current region around the active cell
Ctrl + Shift + HCommand + Option + HReplace all in the active worksheet without opening the dialog box

Conditional Formatting Shortcuts:

Excel Windows ShortcutMac ShortcutPurpose
Alt + H, L, NOption + H, L, NNew Rule: Format Cells that
Alt + H, L, ROption + H, L, RManage Rules
Alt + H, L, VOption + H, L, VClear Rules
Alt + H, L, COption + H, L, CClear Rules from Selected Cells
Alt + H, L, EOption + H, L, EEdit Rule
Alt + H, L, DOption + H, L, DDelete Rule
Alt + H, L, AOption + H, L, ANew Rule: Above Average
Alt + H, L, BOption + H, L, BNew Rule: Below Average
Alt + H, L, IOption + H, L, INew Rule: Top/Bottom Rules
Alt + H, L, GOption + H, L, GNew Rule: Color Scales
Alt + H, L, JOption + H, L, JNew Rule: Icon Sets
Alt + H, L, KOption + H, L, KNew Rule: Data Bars
Alt + H, L, MOption + H, L, MNew Rule: Format only cells that contain
Alt + H, L, POption + H, L, PNew Rule: Use a formula to determine which cells to format
Alt + H, L, SOption + H, L, SNew Rule: Format only top or bottom ranked values
Alt + H, L, TOption + H, L, TNew Rule: Duplicate Values
Alt + H, L, UOption + H, L, UNew Rule: Unique Values

Chart Shortcuts:

Excel Windows ShortcutMac ShortcutPurpose
F11F11Create a chart on a new sheet
Alt + F1Option + F1Create a chart using data in current range
F3F3Open the Insert Function dialog box
Alt + Shift + F1Option + Shift + F1Create an embedded chart
F6F6Switch between the chart and the worksheet
Ctrl + Arrow KeysCommand + Arrow KeysNavigate between chart elements
Ctrl + Space, Arrow KeysControl + Space, Arrow KeysSelect chart elements
Ctrl + CCommand + CCopy the selected chart
Ctrl + VCommand + VPaste the copied chart
Ctrl + XCommand + XCut the selected chart
Ctrl + DCommand + DDuplicate the selected chart
Ctrl + WCommand + WClose the active chart sheet
Ctrl + Shift + PCommand + Option + PPrint the active chart
Ctrl + Shift + F10Command + Shift + F10Show the context menu for the selected chart
Alt + Shift + F2Option + Shift + F2Save the active chart as a template
Alt + F4Option + F4Close the active chart and its source data

General Excel Shortcuts

Excel Windows ShortcutMac ShortcutPurpose
Ctrl + NCommand + NCreate a new workbook
Ctrl + OCommand + OOpen an existing workbook
Ctrl + SCommand + SSave the current workbook
Ctrl + PCommand + PPrint the current workbook
Ctrl + FCommand + FOpen the Find and Replace dialog box
F12F12Save As
Ctrl + ZCommand + ZUndo the last action
Ctrl + YCommand + YRedo the last undone action
Ctrl + CCommand + CCopy selected content
Ctrl + XCommand + XCut selected content
Ctrl + VCommand + VPaste copied or cut content
Ctrl + ACommand + ASelect all content
Ctrl + F1Command + F1Expand or collapse the ribbon
F10F10Activate the ribbon shortcuts
Shift + F10Shift + F10Display the right-click menu
Ctrl + HomeCommand + HomeGo to cell A1
Ctrl + EndCommand + EndGo to the last cell with data
Ctrl + BackspaceCommand + DeleteGo to the active cell
Ctrl + ;Command + ;Insert current date
Ctrl + :Command + :Insert current time
Ctrl + Arrow KeysCommand + Arrow KeysNavigate between cells
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow KeysCommand + Shift + Arrow KeysExtend selection by one cell