JSON to Excel File Converter

How to convert JSON to Excel

Learn how to convert to Excel file online in 5 Seconds

  1. Click on Choose file

    Open the converter page and click on choose file

  2. Pick JSON file of your choice

    Select the JSON file you wish to convert to Excel (This tool automatically detects JSON files in your system)

  3. Click Convert to Excel Button

    After picking the file from your device you can now initialize the the conversion by clicking the convert button

  4. Wait for 5 seconds

    This tool will convert your JSON file to Excel and download will begin automatically.

Why Use this Converter

Free: This tool is free to use

Fast: The conversion takes a maximum of 5 seconds

Secure: The conversion takes place in your web browser. No file is uploaded to our servers hence the conversion takes place securely.

Convert using any device: You can convert your file to Excel using this tool from any device. Whether you are on Mac, Linus, Windows, iOS or android it doesn’t matter as long as you have a browser.

Frequently Asked Questions

What tool converts JSON to Excel?

ExcelWeez converts JSON to Microsoft Excel file in 5 seconds online. All you need to do is upload the file, hit convert button and wait for 5 seconds

How to convert JSON file to Excel free download?

You can convert JSON to Microsoft Excel and download the converted file for free using this tool. The download starts automatically once the conversion process is done.

How to convert JSON data to Excel online?

Use this tool to convert your JSON file to Excel file. It provides a fast and secure method.

How to convert JSON to XLSX online?

ExcelWeez converts JSON to XLSX online. You can convert from any device that can access internet.

How to convert JSON to readable format?

Excel is a readable format compared to JSON as all the data is displayed in cells. Alternatively, you can convert to CSV which is also an easy to read format compared to Excel

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