Are you an advanced Excel user? Find out by answering the following 10 Excel questions. They touch on various topics, from formulas, pivot tables, shortcuts, etc. Click “Quiz Start” to begin answering the questions.
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#1. What is the name of the following Excel chart?

#2. Which of the following custom code changes the negative number format to brackets?
The correct code is #,##0.00;(#,##0.00)
#3. Which of the following is NOT a function that pivot tables can perform?

#4. The image below shows columns with fruit names and prices. Which formula can you use to count the sum of mangoes in the list?
SUMIF calculates the total amount of one item if a certain condition is met in another range. It is different from COUNTIF which only counts items that match a certain criterion.

#5. What is the Windows shortcut to launch the VBA editor?

#6. Excel allows users to get rid of spaces inside data. Which of the following formula can get rid of spaces from the cell E8?
=TRIM() is the function used to remove spaces in Excel.

#7. The Excel feature that predicts text transformation depending on data on the adjacent columns is known as?

#8. You can display the current date in excell by using a function. Which is it?
You can display the date today by using the formal =TODAY(). If you want to display the current time then you need to use the =now() function

#9. Why is the following number in cell E1 appear different from the formula bar?