How to Publish or Schedule Posts on WordPress using CSV

Posting articles or products manually can be a very tedious task. It can take a few days to a week to finish uploading thousands of posts. Luckily, you can automate this process using CSV and do it in 5 minutes. In this article, I will show you how to upload bulk posts on WordPress using a CSV file.

Create your Template in Excel

To create a CSV file, you will need to use spreadsheet software such as Excel or Google Sheets.

Step 1: Open your spreadsheet and create a header row with the following information:

Excel CSV template to publish or schedul posts on wordpress

Author: This is where you are going to type the authors of the posts you are about to schedule. It’s usually the username.

Title: Choose and type a topic for every post that you are about to publish

Body: This is the actual blog that you have written. You can paste the blog as a markup language, i.e. HTML if you are using a block editor. This will be converted automatically to readable content but will maintain the headings and the links.

Slug: Permalinks are very important for SEO. By editing the slug for every post, you make your post more search engine friendly.

Category: Every post has to belong to a category for proper organization.

Tags: Tags offer an opportunity to throw in some keywords that you deem useful.

Featured Image: First, you need to upload the images to the media library, then copy links and paste them under the featured images column.

Instead of uploading and copying links of one-by-one images, you can automate this process. First, rename the images by using Excel and CMD. Then upload one picture and use its URL to build the image links for the rest according to their names.

Status: You can set the posts as drafts, scheduled or published

Publish date: You can schedule the posts at different dates or post all of them at once by setting the Status as publish.

Focus Keyword: if you have an SEO plugin, you can add the focus Keywords under this section

Fill in the spreadsheet.

Step 2: Fill in the above details below the header. For featured Images, you can bulk upload them to the media library and then Paste the image URLs in this column.

Fill in as many rows as you wish, as there is no limit to using this method.

Save your Excel File or Google sheet spreadsheet as CSV. (Comma separated)

Install Ultimate CSV Importer Plugin

Step 3: Install the plugin called CSV Uploader on your WordPress

  • Click on plugins
How to post or schedule posts using CSV
  • Click Add New
  • Type the keyword CSV importer and install the one developed by smack-coders
How to post or schedule posts using CSV
  • Click on the ultimate CSV importer located in the bottom left corner.
How to post or schedule posts using CSV
  • Click browse and select the CSV file containing your WordPress posts

Import each record as Posts

  • Select import each record as posts
How to post or schedule posts using CSV
  • Fill in the fields according to your spreadsheet
  • Click on continue, and the import will start immediately.

Download the CSV template to make your work easier; after downloading this template, you just need to insert the fields and upload.

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