How to find in Excel and delete: 3 easy methods

You can easily delete items in one cell using delete button. In addition, you can delete data adjacent other cells following same procedure. But what if you have a big worksheet and he data you wish to delete is all over? Worry not, in this article I will show you how to find and delete in 3 Easy ways.

Use the Find and Replace window in Excel to Find and delete

1. Highlight the region with data

2. Click on the Home tab on the main menu ribbon, then click on Find & Select, then choose Find option. Alternatively you can just press ctrl+F

Use ctrl+F to open the find and replace console

3. In the Find and Replace window, click on the Replace tab

click on the replace tab

4. In the Find what field, type the value you wish to locate.

5. Leave the Replace With box empty.

6. Tap Options for more advanced features

Click on options

7. Tick the first box box to find values only matching your specific capitalization.

8. Tick the second box as shown by the screenshot below to avoid finding text located within longer text in your spreadsheet.

Check match case and entire cell contents

9. Next, select Look In  and choose Values . This helps Excel to know that we are only looking for values and no formulas

10. Click the Find All option: This will launch a section with all the results similar to your search scenario

Click find all

11. Highlight all results using CTRL+A shortcut

Click ctrl+A

12. Hit close to exit this window

click close

13. Your cells will still be highlighted, navigate to the home tab

All the cells that you are searching for will be selected

14. Click on the drop-down arrow icon under Delete to launch more commands

15. Press the Delete Sheet Rows  or Delete Cells to get rid of all the info that match your values. All  highlighted row’s cells will be deleted.

Delete cells or rows

If you are dealing with rows, you can click on the Ctrl + – keys to open the Delete window.  Next, select the Entire Row option and press OK to delete the rows containing the data you wanted to remove.

Find and delete duplicates in an Excel worksheet.

1. In an open Excel worksheet, select all the cells you want to check for duplicates.

2. Click on the Home tab of the main menu ribbon.

3. Click on Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Duplicate Values.

use conditional formatting to find and delet

4. It will launch the Duplicate Values dialog box. Here, next to values, pick the formatting you want to apply to the duplicate values.

select color

5. Click the OK button. and delete the highlighted values

How  remove the duplicate values

1.  Select the range of cells that has duplicate values to be removed.

2.  Click on the Data tab of the main menu ribbon.

3. In the Data Tools group, click Remove Duplicates.

How to find and remove duplicates in Excel

4. Under Columns, check or uncheck the columns you wish to get rid of the duplicates.

Check or uncheck columns you wish to delete

5. Click the OK button.

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